A magical moment in the French Pyrenees: the final rays of sunlight of the day wash across the small souvenir shop at the top of the Col d’Aubisque (6,463 ft.)
Raw, untouched landscapes, a profusion of narrow roads and passes – welcome to the Pyrenees. Just how spectacular of a setting it can be for photographers and bicycle racers became clear to me one late afternoon in the summer of 2018. With a light road bike and heavy camera backpack, I wound my way up the narrow road that runs along the cliff of the Cirque du Litor to the Col d’Aubisque. Initially, dense patches of fog obstructed my view, but just before I reached the top it suddenly cleared up. Only the summit plateau was still bathed in the horizontal rays of the setting sun, making the small souvenir shop there glow. It was a magical ending to an eventful day in the Pyrenees.
— Markus Remscheid
Pyrenees, France
France, Mountains, Pyrenees, Pyrenäen, Landscape Art Prints, Sonnenuntergang, Sunset, Cycling, Tour de France, Col d’Aubisque, Cirque du Litor